Delivery Truck Route Plan

To run:  REPORTING > Places Reports > Delivery Truck Route Plan

This report is designed for warehouse personnel gathering equipment and supplies into individual packages for delivery to stops on the route. For each delivery route, the report lists the precincts or early voting sites in sequential order so that warehouse workers can organize the packages for sequential loading onto delivery trucks.

The order of the report is first-on/last off, so packages for the last stop can be loaded on first.

To widen the columns of the report, you will need to manipulate (click and drag) the columns labeled A, B, C, etc., above the report heading. Because the report is formatted as a table, the columns cannot be manipulated within the spreadsheet's data area.

The report can list a route's early voting sites or the polling places of voting precincts; it cannot combine both types of locations. Any election centers assigned to the route will not be shown in the report.

When you run the report, you are asked to select the election and the location mode—either Precinct Poll Work or Early Voting Work.

For more information, see About Delivery Routes.